Description: 1 - 2 inches. Although the name may imply that it is always gray, Cope's Gray Treefrogs can actually change color from gray to green, tan, or brown. The back may have a random pattern of darker color. The inside of the thigh is yellowish in color, and the toes have large pads on the end that allow them to climb many surfaces.
Similar Species: Eastern Gray Treefrogs are identical in appearance but can be distinguished by their lower, more melodic call.
Comments: Absent from northeastern Minnesota.
This map is generated from data provided by the Bell Museum of Natural History and Please help us keep it up-to-date by submitting your amphibian and reptile observations.
Individual Cope's gray treefrogs calling. Courtesy of Christopher E. Smith.
Individual Cope's gray treefrogs calling with occasional green frogs calling in the background. Courtesy of Christopher E. Smith.
Chorus of Cope's gray treefrogs with American toads calling in the background. Courtesy of Christopher E. Smith.
Cope's and eastern gray treefrogs calling side by side. Spring peepers also calling. Courtesy of Don F. Becker.