Green Frog Lithobates clamitans

Description: 2 - 4 inches. Green Frogs are green and may have darker green or brown mottling. The belly is light colored, but it may have some dark markings on it. There is a ridge that starts behind each eye and extends all the way down the length of the body (dorsolateral folds).

Similar Species: Bullfrogs are similar in appearance, but the ridge behind the eye wraps around the ear drum (tympanum) only, and does not extend down the body.

Distribution Map
Distribution of the Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans)

This map is generated from data provided by the Bell Museum of Natural History and Please help us keep it up-to-date by submitting your amphibian and reptile observations.

Phenology of Green Frog (Lithobates clamitans)

Individual green frogs calling in the distance. Courtesy of Christopher E. Smith.
